project 4 - animal sculpture
For my animal piece, I made a hammerhead shark. I knew I wanted to do something more peculiar and hammerheads have always been interesting to me. I handscuplted this piece, and scored and slipped the tail and fins on. I decided to use a blye glaze instead of grey and I think it was a great desicion.
This is most definitely my favorite piece I have made yet. I put a lot of work into it and it most definitely shows. I am proud of how smooth my piece is and very very even. My favorite part about it are the little freckles on its inner stomach.
project 5 - pinch pot cut in half
This was my practice for making pinch pots evenly. I created my first pinch pot and then cut it in half to see how even it was. There wasn´t much to this assignment and it wasn´t fired. Very good practice though.
My pinch pots occasionally come out very uneven, but practice makes perfect. It's really the patience I need to make all the sides evenly. The hardest part of this for me is probably the bottom because you can´t really see how thick it is until you cut it, unlike the sides, This was my first attempt and I would say it was pretty even!
project 6 - pinch pot into something useful
This was my favorite pinch pot, and it even has a foot. I constructed this by spinning my pinch pot and making it shorter. I used a slab and measured it to match my bowl for the foot. I was planning on using this either for a snack bowl, a catch-all, or a water bowl for my cat. Very multipurposeful.
Unfortunately, my piece was taken after being fired so it was never completed. I was gone the first day it came our and then didn't see it when I returned. I checked the shelves for weeks but no sign of it. I did not make one in place of this one.
project 7- two pinch pots into something useful
This is my two pinch pots stacked onto each other to make a wide-mouthed vase. This picture was taken before it was smoothed out so it is not the best representation. I envisioned a wide but semi short vase for the thicker flowers that don have long stems.
This honestly was a challenge for me, but a learning experience as well. Next time I make this I have to have thicker pinch pots and make sure they are both even. This way when i mold them together I can use the thickness to make it taller. I will be using this skill and doing this again.
project 8 - relief tile AND history piece
This was my history piece and relief tile that I created. This history piece is an old Native drawing. It is called a desert dweller and was often used in rock art. I first used a thick slab and then very carefully carved out my figurine and took the excess clay off. I then glazed it black and white, in hopes that it would really make the dweller pop out.
I chose this because I knew I wanted to make a Native history piece. A lot of native art in history are vases, especially double-handed. I wanted to do something different and also something that is a part of my life so this is what I chose. I think that it came out very well and very similar to my reference. I also think my contrast was displayed beautifully and worked just as I wanted it to.